HomeMinistriesFamily Sacrament Preparation

Family Sacrament Preparation

What Is Family Sacrament Preparation?

A Celebration of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist is typically completed during the 2nd grade school year. The formation is a two-year process of both Catholic religious education (via Catholic School or Parish School of Religion), along with Parish led sacrament-focused activities during the 2nd grade school year. Children beyond 2nd grade will be addressed on a case-by-case basis to establish a customized plan for receiving sacraments. Family Sacrament Preparation, allows families to prepare their children to start their journey of faith. 

Why Should I Attend Family Sacrament Preparation?

Family Sacrament Preparation, allows families to prepare their children to start their journey of faith. 

Who Attends This Ministry?

Normally it starts with the second grade but if you are a new member of the church, age does not matter!

Where Is this Ministry Being Held?

Practices are held in the Cathedral.

How To Find Out More?

Elaine McCollum: emccollum@ctking.com / (404) 267-3692

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