
What is Humanality?

Whether it’s a phone addiction or simply an unhealthy habbit, Humanality helps people step back from their screens and focus on what really matters – each other. It challenges the idea that we always need to be “on” and shows how life can feel more meaningful, fun, and real when we’re not glued to our phones. Through campus clubs, youth programs, and family workshops, Humanality creates opportunities to unplug and rediscover what it means to be present.

Why Join Humanality?

Being tied to a screen all day is exhausting. Humanality gives you a chance to take a break and reconnect with what’s important. Swap endless scrolling for tech-free bonfires with friends, shared meals full of conversation, or hikes where the only notifications come from nature. It’s an easy way to recharge, build better relationships, and find more balance in your life.

Who is Humanlity For?

Humanality is great for anyone who wants to help others find a better relationship with technology:

  • College Students: Join or lead clubs at campuses like Franciscan University, Ave Maria University, and the University of Dallas, and inspire peers to live more intentionally.
  • Parents, Teachers, and Youth Leaders: Support high school programs that teach teens how to thrive without being tied to their screens.
  • Professionals and Families: Share your experiences and help guide others toward tech-free living through workshops and events.

Where Does Humanality Take Place?

  • Colleges: Humanality started on 5 college campuses and is expanding rapidly to even more.
  • High Schools: Partnered schools and youth groups across the U.S.
  • Community Spaces: Workshops for families, parents, and professionals nationwide.

When Does Humanality Happen?

  • College Clubs: Monthly meetups and events like speaking events, “unplugged” concerts, and monthly meetings.
  • High School Programs: Year-round schedules tailored to each school or youth group.
  • Workshops: Regularly throughout the year for families and professionals.

How to Get Involved with Humanality

It’s easy to join! Visit for all the details. You can sign up for a college club, bring programs to your school or community, or volunteer to lead events. Whether you want to unplug for yourself or help others do the same, there’s a spot for you at Humanality.

Email to start a club at your university or bring programs to your local high school.

More Information Found Here:



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