HomeSunday Sermon SeriesSunday Sermon Series February 25, 2024

Sunday Sermon Series February 25, 2024

Whether you call them homilies, sermons, or talks, there’s a lot you can learn from the spiritual leaders in our community. While in a perfect world, you’d have time to listen to everyone, that simply isn’t possible for most with limited time to spare. To help, we’ve surfaced and summarized the teachings from the audio sermons of some of the most influential priests and pastors from around town and in the Christian sphere.

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Fr. Mike Schmitz

He Leadeth Me

In this homily by Fr. Mike Schmitz, he shares a powerful and inspiring story about a woman named Britt Fisk, whom he describes as a remarkable wife and mother of eight. Fr. Mike reflects on how Britt’s life exudes kindness, joy, strength, and a deep trust in the Lord despite the challenges she has faced.

Fr. Mike introduces the homily by connecting it to the Lenten season and the ongoing series called “He Leadeth Me,” which explores the journey of the American priest Father Walter Chizek. Father Chizek’s story involves missionary work, imprisonment, and challenges, emphasizing how God can transform an ordinary person into a saint.

The core theme of the homily revolves around expectations, plans, and the struggle with control. Fr. Mike acknowledges the comfort and routine that expectations and plans provide, highlighting how people often cling to these until they face situations beyond their control. He then shares Britt’s personal story, detailing the challenges she encountered during her eighth pregnancy, including a rare medical condition affecting her child, Agnes, and her own battle with aggressive breast cancer.

The homily delves into the conditions people set for themselves when facing difficulties, expressing a willingness to endure as long as certain expectations are met. Fr. Mike emphasizes that when plans are disrupted, and expectations shattered, individuals discover their true conditions and what they place their trust in. He underscores Britt’s realization that she needed to stop trying to control everything and surrender to God’s will, even when faced with uncertainties.

Fr. Mike draws parallels between Britt’s story and Father Chizek’s experiences, emphasizing that both individuals faced crises that challenged their expectations and desire for control. The sermon concludes with a reflection on trust and surrender, asserting that understanding God’s plan is not a prerequisite for trust. Fr. Mike encourages the congregation to focus on the “who” – God’s goodness and constancy – rather than constantly seeking to understand the “why” behind life’s challenges. The sermon concludes with the importance of taking the next right step, surrendering to God’s will, and trusting that He will be present in the journey.

Listen to the full version here.

Buckhead Church


Andy Stanley delves into his favorite prophecy in the New Testament, which revolves around the concept of Ecclesia, meaning the church or assembly. He emphasizes Jesus’ prediction about the church’s future, stating that the church is not just a gathering but a movement with a purpose. Recounting the biblical narrative, Stanley revisits the moment when Jesus asked his disciples about public opinion regarding his identity. Peter correctly identified Jesus as the Messiah, and in response, Jesus proclaimed that upon this rock (Peter’s confession), he would build his Ecclesia, a movement that even death could not overcome.

Stanley emphasizes the revolutionary nature of Jesus’ prediction, especially considering the socio-political climate of that time. The idea of a new movement challenged the religious establishment and the Roman Empire, yet, as history unfolded, it became a reality with Jesus’ death and resurrection serving as the catalyst for the Ecclesia. The sermon introduces the series called Ecclesia, aiming to reflect on the original intent of Jesus for his assembly and ensure that the core principles remain unchanged despite variations in cultural expressions and practices over time.

Moving forward, Stanley highlights the responsibility of each generation to be stewards of the church and uphold its original purpose, aligning with Jesus’ vision. He warns against veering away, as historical deviations from the original intent have led to problems and misrepresentations of Jesus. The sermon underscores the impact individuals have on shaping perceptions of Christianity, emphasizing the need to stay in sync with Jesus’ intentions to avoid misguidance.

Listen to the full version here.

Passion City Church


Louie Giglio’s sermon focuses on Romans 8, which he describes as a critical chapter in the Bible. The sermon delves into the theme of “Future Glory” and emphasizes the idea that the present sufferings of believers are incomparable to the glorious future that will be revealed to them. Giglio emphasizes that future glory is not just a general concept but something that will be revealed in each individual who is in Christ.

The sermon highlights the eager expectation of creation for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed. Giglio interprets this as a reference to a future time when true children of God will be unveiled, distinguishing them from mere professing believers. The creation itself is described as being subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but with the hope of eventual liberation from decay and entrance into the glorious freedom of the children of God.

Giglio draws attention to the groaning of the entire creation, comparing it to the pains of childbirth, signifying not a doomsday scenario but the anticipation of a birth or renewal. He connects this concept to the groaning of believers who, despite having the first fruits of the Spirit, eagerly await the redemption of their bodies.

The sermon underscores the tension between the present sufferings and the future glory, encouraging believers to endure patiently and maintain hope in the unseen. Giglio also emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in helping believers in their weakness, interceding on their behalf with groans that words cannot express. The Holy Spirit’s intercession is in accordance with the will of God, reinforcing the importance of praying for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Listen to the full version here.

Trinity Anglican Church

In Kris McDaniel’s sermon, he delves into the nature of God’s certainty and humanity’s inherent lack of it, drawing an analogy with his dog, Jolene, to highlight the human condition of being largely unaware but grateful when in proximity to God. McDaniel focuses on three key points from the biblical passage: first, Jesus redirects his friends when their expectations are high, emphasizing the importance of being teachable and open to recalibrated understanding; second, Peter attempts to redirect Jesus out of fear and confusion, showcasing the human tendency to resist unsettling information; and third, Jesus invites surrender, challenging followers to pick up their crosses and trust even in the face of disorientation and fear.

McDaniel explores the complex dynamics between Jesus and Peter, acknowledging Peter’s inappropriate behavior but also understanding it as a manifestation of confusion, unmet expectations, and fear. He encourages listeners not to distance themselves from Peter but to empathize with the human struggle of being off balance and frightened when confronted with unexpected challenges. The sermon culminates with an invitation to surrender control, embrace trust as a practiced lifestyle, and recognize that suffering can be redemptive, carving out deep reservoirs within individuals. McDaniel concludes with a reflection on self-preservation, urging courage in examining fears of loss and the need to prove oneself. The sermon emphasizes the invitation to follow Jesus even in uncertainty and to trust amid life’s challenges, ultimately aiming for a state of reasonable happiness in the present and eternal joy with God in the future.

Listen to the full version here.

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