HomeSunday Sermon SeriesSunday Sermon Series January 26, 2025

Sunday Sermon Series January 26, 2025

Whether you call them homilies, sermons, or talks, there’s a lot you can learn from the spiritual leaders in our community. While in a perfect world, you’d have time to listen to everyone, that simply isn’t possible for most with limited time to spare. To help, we’ve surfaced and summarized the teachings from the audio sermons of some of the most influential priests and pastors from around town and in the Christian sphere.

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Fr. Mike Schmitz

In his homily, Fr. Mike Schmitz emphasizes the importance of living a life of purpose. He begins by recounting the story of Thor Heyerdahl, a Norwegian explorer who set out to prove the possibility of drifting from South America to Polynesia. This daring voyage serves as a powerful metaphor for the human experience, highlighting the significance of having a clear direction and purpose in life, rather than simply drifting aimlessly.

Fr. Mike then delves into the common reasons why individuals may choose to live a life off-purpose. He identifies four primary obstacles: distraction, forgetfulness, comparison, and the pursuit of a “shadow mission.” Distraction, often fueled by the constant pull of technology and social media, can easily divert our attention from our true calling. Forgetting our purpose, whether due to the demands of daily life or a lack of introspection, can lead us astray from our God-given mission. Furthermore, the insidious nature of comparison can erode our self-confidence and hinder our progress, leaving us feeling inadequate and discouraged. Finally, the pursuit of a “shadow mission,” a life that may appear successful but lacks genuine fulfillment, can leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled despite our outward achievements.

To overcome these obstacles and live a life aligned with our purpose, Fr. Mike encourages us to prioritize prayer and reflection. These practices cultivate a deeper connection with God and provide the necessary space for introspection and discernment. He emphasizes the importance of saying “no” to distractions and cultivating mindful awareness of how we spend our time and energy. Ultimately, by remembering our true identity as beloved children of God and focusing on our unique gifts and talents, we can break free from the limitations imposed by comparison and embrace the joy and fulfillment that come from living out our true purpose.

Fr. Mike Schmitz’s homily serves as a powerful reminder that we are all created with a unique purpose and called to live a life of meaning and significance. By actively addressing the challenges that can hinder our pursuit of this purpose, we can cultivate a life of joy, fulfillment, and lasting peace.

Listen to the full version here.

Buckhead Church

The Last Kingdom

Andy Stanley argues that the true identity of Jesus as King has been lost in translation and misinterpretation throughout history. He traces this back to the transliteration of the Greek term “Christos” into Latin, which reduced Jesus to a list of roles and services rather than recognizing Him as the reigning King who came to establish God’s kingdom on Earth.

Stanley emphasizes that the New Testament consistently portrays Jesus as King, from His birth in Matthew to His crucifixion and resurrection. He highlights how Jesus’ teachings, such as the Sermon on the Mount, focus on living as citizens of His kingdom, seeking His righteousness, and prioritizing His will. He also emphasizes that Jesus’ disciples, despite their initial doubts, ultimately recognized and worshiped Him as King, acknowledging His authority over heaven and Earth.

Stanley concludes by urging listeners to recognize Jesus as King and to participate in His kingdom, emphasizing that true happiness lies in embracing His reign and living according to His values. He highlights the ultimate reality that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging His kingship now and experiencing the blessings that come with it.

Listen to the full version here.

Cathedral of Christ The King

Msgr. Frank McNamee’s homily focuses on the importance of recognizing our place within the “mystical Body of Christ” as described by St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians. He emphasizes that each individual, despite their unique gifts and talents, is an essential part of the whole, just as different parts of the human body are interconnected and interdependent.

Msgr. McNamee highlights the dangers of self-absorption and the importance of recognizing the dignity and worth of every person, regardless of their perceived social status or contributions. He uses the story of the couple in the shopping mall as an example of how easily we can lose sight of what truly matters in life – our relationships with others and our service to God.

The homily concludes with a call to action, urging the congregation to strive for greater communion with one another and to live out their faith in a way that reflects the love and compassion of Christ. Msgr. McNamee emphasizes the importance of recognizing the inherent dignity of every person and working towards a more just and equitable society.

Listen to the full version here.

Passion City Church

The One Thing

Louie Giglio addresses the uncertainty of 2025, acknowledging the unpredictable nature of the year ahead. However, he emphasizes the unwavering hope we can find in God. He posits that despite the unknown, God has a divine plan for each individual’s life, a purpose for their existence.

Giglio then delves into the importance of prioritizing our relationship with God. He encourages listeners to seek God’s face above all else, emphasizing that genuine connection with Him will naturally lead to His provision and guidance. This shift in focus, from seeking God’s blessings to seeking His presence, is crucial for experiencing true fulfillment and experiencing the outpouring of His hand.

Furthermore, Giglio highlights the profound significance of embracing God’s greatest promise: His constant presence. He reminds the audience that they are never alone, as God walks alongside them through every circumstance, both joyous and challenging. This unwavering companionship provides a source of enduring strength and comfort, enabling individuals to navigate life’s uncertainties with courage and confidence.

In conclusion, Louie Giglio’s sermon serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring hope and unwavering support that can be found in God. By prioritizing our relationship with Him and embracing His constant presence, we can face the unknown with unwavering faith, knowing that God’s plan for our lives is ultimately good and that He is always with us on the journey.

Listen to the full version here.

Trinity Anglican Church

This sermon by Nate Smith focuses on Luke 4:14-21, where Jesus returns to Nazareth and reads from Isaiah 61, proclaiming good news to the poor, liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind.

Smith emphasizes that this passage is Jesus’s “manifesto,” outlining His mission and identity. He highlights the significance of Jesus reading this prophecy in a synagogue, emphasizing the importance of scripture and the power of the Holy Spirit in His ministry. Smith then delves into the nuances of the Isaiah passage, comparing Jesus’s reading to the traditional text and highlighting the “kayas” structure, emphasizing the importance of recovering sight for the blind.

Smith explores the various forms of spiritual blindness, from those who never receive the good news to those whose hearts are hardened against it. He argues that Jesus offers healing and restoration for all forms of spiritual blindness, enabling individuals to truly see and experience God’s love and life.

Finally, Smith challenges listeners to respond to Jesus’s mission, urging them to embrace the good news, experience freedom from sin and oppression, and receive healing for their brokenness. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of deepening their relationship with Jesus and experiencing the fullness of God’s love and life.

Listen to the full version here.

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