HomeSunday Sermon SeriesSunday Sermon Series June 9, 2024

Sunday Sermon Series June 9, 2024

Whether you call them homilies, sermons, or talks, there’s a lot you can learn from the spiritual leaders in our community. While in a perfect world, you’d have time to listen to everyone, that simply isn’t possible for most with limited time to spare. To help, we’ve surfaced and summarized the teachings from the audio sermons of some of the most influential priests and pastors from around town and in the Christian sphere.

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Fr. Mike Schmitz

The homily starts with a question about the point of life. Fr. Mike says that most people focus on happiness and pleasure, but the real purpose of life is to become like God. God created the world for us, and although it is broken by sin, it can still serve this purpose.

Fr. Mike talks about Adam and Eve and how God cursed them after the fall. However, Fr. Mike explains that these curses were not punishments, but remedies. For example, childbirth may be painful, but it allows us to experience a deep love for our children.

According to St. Paul, even the hardships we face in life can help us become more like Jesus. Fr. Mike uses the example of purgatory. Purgatory is a state of purification where we learn to love God perfectly. While the pains of purgatory may be difficult, they are ultimately meant to help us.

Fr. Mike concludes the homily by inviting us to give everything to God. If we allow God to use everything in our lives, it can help us become more like him. The point of life is not about happiness or pleasure, but about becoming like God through love and sacrifice.

Listen to the full version here.

Buckhead Church

What Our World Needs Right Now

 April Farmer talks about how self-control is often placed last on the list of the fruit of the Holy Spirit and how it might seem less important than the others. However, she argues that self-control is just as important as the other fruits.

April defines self-control as mastering our desires, passions, and appetites. She acknowledges that it is common to give in to our temptations and desires, and talks about how the world around us is constantly tempting us to overindulge.

April finds encouragement in the fact that God is faithful and will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can withstand. She also points out that there is always a way out of temptation, and that the word of God is the tool we can use to escape temptation.

Listen to the full version here.

Cathedral of Christ The King

In the homily by Fr. Joe Wagner, the story of humanity and God’s constant presence is explored. Fr. Joe Wagner uses the analogy of a good story to explain the readings from the Bible, highlighting a setup, conflict, and resolution.

The readings follow a similar pattern, according to Fr. Joe Wagner. The first reading from Genesis 3 showcases the conflict, with Adam and Eve’s sin. The good news is that God immediately works towards setting things right, marked as the “Proto-Evangelium” or “First Gospel” by Fr. Joe Wagner. This signifies the first promise of God to fix things.

The second reading from the Second Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians emphasizes that we are all God’s children, signifying part of the resolution – we are not alone, for God is with us. The gospel reading from Mark showcases another part of the resolution – Jesus casting out demons and healing people, signifying his arrival to save us from sin and death.

Fr. Joe Wagner concludes the homily by pondering our response to these events. He suggests focusing on the good things and expressing gratitude to God for everything he has done for us. Staying close to the sacraments and striving to grow in virtue are also recommended. However, Fr. Joe Wagner acknowledges that our response to God is not always positive. We may sometimes hide from him due to shame. But Fr. Joe Wagner assures us that God desires us to come to him, regardless of our actions.

Listen to the full version here.

Passion City Church

All Consuming Fire

Louie Giglio grapples with the concept of God’s wrath and judgment in this sermon. While God is undeniably merciful, Giglio emphasizes that He also possesses righteous anger towards sin. The world, God’s creation, was designed to glorify Him and serve humanity’s good.

To illustrate this delicate balance, Giglio references the iconic photograph of Earth captured by astronaut Bill Anders on Christmas Eve 1968. This image embodies Earth’s beauty and vulnerability. Yet, the Book of Revelation paints a starkly contrasting picture, one filled with violence.

Giglio assures the audience that God’s message extends beyond judgment. Mercy is central, offered freely through Jesus Christ. Those who embrace Jesus are promised salvation, while those who reject Him will face God’s judgment.

The sermon concludes with a powerful call to action. Giglio urges listeners to have a change of heart and turn towards God.

Listen to the full version here.

Trinity Anglican Church

In the sermon by Kris McDaniel, he delves into the complex yet essential Christian doctrine of the Trinity. He begins by exploring the historical and theological foundations of the Trinity, explaining how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct yet unified. McDaniel emphasizes that understanding the Trinity is crucial for Christians as it forms the bedrock of their faith and shapes their perception of God’s nature.

McDaniel further elaborates on the relational aspect of the Trinity, highlighting how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit interact in perfect harmony and love. He points out that this divine relationship serves as a model for human relationships, encouraging believers to strive for unity and love in their interactions with others. The sermon stresses that the Trinity is not just a theological concept but a practical guide for living out one’s faith in community and personal life.

In the third part of his sermon, McDaniel addresses the implications of Trinitarian theology for daily Christian living. He urges the congregation to embody the principles of the Trinity by fostering a sense of community, practicing selfless love, and supporting one another. By mirroring the relational dynamics of the Trinity, believers can create a more compassionate and unified community, reflecting God’s love in their actions.

Lastly, McDaniel invites his listeners to embrace the mystery of the Trinity, encouraging them to seek a deeper understanding and experience of God’s presence. He acknowledges that while the concept of the Trinity can be challenging to fully comprehend, it offers a rich and transformative spiritual journey. The sermon concludes with a call to meditate on the Trinity’s significance, allowing it to inspire and deepen one’s faith and relationship with God.

Listen to the full version here.

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