HomeSunday Sermon SeriesSunday Sermon Series October 15, 2023

Sunday Sermon Series October 15, 2023

Whether you call them homilies, sermons, or talks, there’s a lot you can learn from the spiritual leaders in our community. While in a perfect world, you’d have time to listen to everyone, that simply isn’t possible for most with limited time to spare. To help, we’ve surfaced and summarized the teachings from the audio sermons of some of the most influential priests and pastors from around town and in the Christian sphere.

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Fr. Mike Schmitz


Fr. Mike Schmitz delivered a homily centered around the theme of being “directionally challenged.” He began by recounting his experiences at the Mall of America, emphasizing the importance of maps in helping people navigate the vast mall. In particular, he highlighted the significance of the “You are here” dot on mall maps, indicating that before finding your way, you must first know your current location.

Fr. Mike introduced the concept of a sermon series called “Lost,” unrelated to the TV show, but rather exploring the idea of people feeling lost in their lives. He cited a line from the Gospel that suggests everyone has a purpose and a call in life. However, not everyone responds to this call, leading to a sense of being lost and not knowing one’s purpose.

The homily encouraged self-reflection, emphasizing that the first step in finding direction in life is acknowledging where you currently are. Fr. Mike suggested that people often overcomplicate this process, while the answer is often simpler than we think – “You are here.” He emphasized the importance of realizing that life is happening right now and that individuals need to embrace their current circumstances and identity.

Fr. Mike then posed two critical questions for his audience. The first question asked if there were any invitations from God that they were currently ignoring. The importance of recognizing and responding to these invitations was stressed. The second question delved deeper into the fear of whether what God wants for them will be enough for their lives. He referred to St. Paul’s experiences and struggles and how God was always present, emphasizing that God is here and that is enough.

The homily concluded by reassuring the congregation that they do not need to be lost on the map of their lives. By addressing and accepting the invitations presented by God and realizing His constant presence, individuals can find their way and fulfill their purpose.

Listen to the full version here.

Buckhead Church

Fatal Distractions

In this sermon by Joel Thomas, he discusses the concept of distractions and how they can hinder our progress in life. He breaks down these distractions into three main categories: fog, fire, and fear.

The first category is “fog,” which represents distractions that cloud our view and make it difficult to see our ultimate vision. These distractions often come in the form of urgent but unimportant tasks, critical people, past regrets, and various other challenges. The fog makes it challenging to stay focused on our goals and can lead us to lose sight of the original problem we set out to solve.

The second category is “fire,” which refers to distractions that are like small fires that need to be put out. These distractions might start small but can quickly grow and become a threat to our overall vision. Just as a small fire can become a wildfire if left unattended, these distractions need to be addressed promptly to avoid becoming major obstacles to our goals.

The third category is “fear.” Fear can be a paralyzing distraction that leads us to doubt our abilities and lose sight of our original purpose. Fear can manifest in various ways, such as fear of failure, rejection, or missing out. It can cause us to lose our sense of direction and passion for what we’re trying to achieve.

Joel Thomas emphasizes the importance of confronting and addressing these distractions, as they can prevent us from achieving our goals and fulfilling our purpose. He shares his personal experience of facing fear and the need to confront it to regain focus and clarity. Ultimately, the sermon encourages listeners to identify and deal with the distractions that may be hindering their progress and to rediscover their “why” for pursuing their goals.

Listen to the full version here.

Cathedral of Christ The King

Msgr. Francis McNamee delivered a homily in which he began by sharing a humorous story about a man named Patty who had a hearing problem for many years but got hearing aids that allowed him to hear perfectly. However, he hadn’t told his family yet, and he had been eavesdropping on their conversations, even changing his will multiple times secretly. This story served as an amusing introduction to the theme of the sermon.

Msgr. McNamee then explained that the sermon series had been focusing on St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians. He emphasized that Paul had maintained a deep and enduring friendship with the people and had shared many of his feelings with them. Paul’s ability to cope with life’s highs and lows, good times and bad times, was discussed. The homily pointed out that everyone faces difficult circumstances in life, but how they cope with them varies. Paul’s secret to successful living was his ability to peacefully accept whatever happened to him, viewing events as God’s will, and willingly suffering in union with Christ.

The homily also highlighted that Paul’s ability to endure challenges came from his deep faith in Christ, and this faith could serve as a strong role model for others. The sermon encouraged the congregation to find strength in St. Paul’s example and to reflect on his words when facing tough problems in life. Msgr. McNamee concluded by suggesting that, like Paul, people could draw strength from Christ to trustfully say, “I have strength for everything in the Lord,” and that through God’s grace, they could find the resources needed to face life’s challenges.

Listen to the full version here.

Passion City Church

All on the Altar

In this sermon by Louie Giglio, he discusses the concept of worship as a response to God for who He is and what He has done. He emphasizes that worship should be both personal and corporate, expressing itself through the things we say and the way we live.

Giglio begins by highlighting the idea that worship doesn’t start with us but with God revealing Himself to us and showing His faithfulness over time. Worship is a response to two aspects of God: who He is and what He has done. He stresses that God is worthy of worship simply because of His identity as the creator, sustainer, and originator of all things.

The sermon refers to the story of ten lepers who encountered Jesus. They all sought His help, and He healed them, but only one, a Samaritan, returned to give thanks and worship Him. Giglio underscores the importance of recognizing God’s true character and valuing Him for who He is. He explains that worship doesn’t begin with singing but with seeing and understanding God’s greatness.

Giglio emphasizes that worship should influence our lives daily and how we approach church. He encourages the congregation to come to church with a heart already filled with worship, ready to declare the praises of God. He also discusses how seeing the cross impacts giving, highlighting that the act of giving should be a response to the grace of God, and it should be proportional to one’s understanding of God’s mercy.

In conclusion, Louie Giglio’s sermon underscores the transformative power of understanding who God is and the grace He bestows upon us. Worship is seen as a response to God’s character and deeds, and it should permeate all aspects of our lives, from our daily attitudes to our financial contributions, all motivated by gratitude for His grace.

Listen to the full version here.

Trinity Anglican Church

Pastor Adrienne Christian begins by acknowledging recent events in Israel and invites the congregation to grieve and lament together as a community. She expresses her own personal connection to the situation and emphasizes the need for Christians to lament in the face of violence, hatred, and suffering, as these are not the way things are meant to be. Pastor Christian leads the congregation in a prayer of lament, asking for God’s protection, comfort, and miraculous peace during such difficult times.

Following the time of lament, Pastor Christian delves into a challenging parable found in Matthew 22:1-14. She highlights the importance of understanding the cultural and literary context of the passage and how Jesus was addressing an honor-shame culture. The parable focuses on a gracious and patient king who prepares a grand feast and invites guests, but they reject his invitation. The king’s response reflects his justice, yet he still opens his banquet to all, good and bad alike. This demonstrates God’s invitation to His kingdom, which is not based on human worthiness or status but on willingness to accept the invitation.

Furthermore, Pastor Christian delves into the perplexing part of the parable involving a man without a wedding robe, which is seen as a symbol of being unclean or inauthentic. She encourages authenticity in our relationship with God, urging us not to hide behind a facade but to be honest and come near to Him. The sermon emphasizes that God desires authenticity and offers grace and a covering of righteousness through the unblemished Lamb, Jesus. It concludes with a call to reflect on where individuals might find themselves in this story and consider how they are responding to God’s gracious invitation in their own lives.

Listen to the full version here.

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