HomeSunday Sermon SeriesSunday Sermon Series October 6, 2024

Sunday Sermon Series October 6, 2024

Whether you call them homilies, sermons, or talks, there’s a lot you can learn from the spiritual leaders in our community. While in a perfect world, you’d have time to listen to everyone, that simply isn’t possible for most with limited time to spare. To help, we’ve surfaced and summarized the teachings from the audio sermons of some of the most influential priests and pastors from around town and in the Christian sphere.

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Fr. Mike Schmitz

Fr. Mike Schmitz’s homily focuses on marriage as a path to holiness. He emphasizes that God calls each couple to marriage, making it a sacred vocation. This purpose goes beyond simply romantic love; it’s about growing closer to God together.

However, Fr. Mike acknowledges the difficulties of marriage. He mentions couples facing separation, loss, or even violence. In these moments, he reminds us of God’s presence and unwavering commitment. He assures us that even when things seem bleak, “I will not leave” and “God will not leave” are two guarantees in marriage.

Fr. Mike then offers practical advice for strengthening marriages. The key lies in deepening love for both God and your spouse. He encourages unconditional love, one that doesn’t rely on guarantees. This love thrives on patience and forgiveness, especially during challenging times.

Ultimately, Fr. Mike presents marriage as a beautiful journey towards sainthood. By devoting themselves to each other and God, couples can experience immense joy and growth, even amidst life’s struggles.

Listen to the full version here.

Buckhead Church

Be Rich

The sermon discusses the importance of stepping outside our comfort zones and engaging with those who are different from us. He uses the parable of the Good Samaritan to illustrate this point, emphasizing that true compassion involves action and involvement.

Stanley acknowledges that it can be challenging to connect with people who hold different beliefs or come from different backgrounds. However, he emphasizes that this is precisely where the greatest opportunities for growth and impact lie. By stepping into the world of others, we can gain a deeper understanding of their experiences and perspectives, challenging our own assumptions and prejudices.

The sermon encourages listeners to actively seek out opportunities to serve and engage with their communities. This can involve volunteering with local organizations, participating in global service projects, or simply taking the time to get to know people from different walks of life.

Stanley concludes by reminding listeners that by actively engaging with others and serving our communities, we are not only fulfilling God’s commandment to love our neighbor but also enriching our own lives and making a positive impact on the world.

Listen to the full version here.

Cathedral of Christ The King

Bishop Joel Konzen’s homily on the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time focuses on the importance of respecting all life, from conception to natural death. He emphasizes that as Catholics, we believe God is the author and guardian of life, and it’s our duty to honor His will in all stages.

Bishop Konzen acknowledges the challenges faced by many in today’s society, such as navigating difficult family situations, facing health threats, or experiencing loss. He reminds us that in all these circumstances, we can turn to God for guidance and support.

The Bishop encourages us to pray for God’s help in finding suitable life partners, having healthy children, and living a life that honors God’s plan. He also emphasizes the importance of respecting the lives of others, especially the most vulnerable among us.

Bishop Konzen concludes by urging us to be examples of respect for life in our own communities. He calls on us to support the Church’s teachings on life issues and to work towards creating a culture that values and protects all human life.

Listen to the full version here.

Passion City Church

All Consuming Fire

Louie Giglio’s sermon focuses on the end times as described in the Book of Revelation, specifically chapters 19 and 20. He begins by highlighting that the Book of Revelation portrays Jesus’ triumphant return to judge the world.

In Revelation 19, Jesus defeats the Antichrist and his army, establishing His ultimate authority. This victory sets the stage for the Millennium, described in Revelation 20. During this thousand-year period, Jesus reigns over the earth, bringing peace and justice. However, the sermon warns that this reign will be followed by a final judgment.

Louie Giglio emphasizes the importance of being prepared for Jesus’ return. He encourages listeners to be actively involved in the church, which he refers to as the Bride of Christ. He emphasizes the significance of faithfulness to the church and a willingness to sacrifice for Jesus.

The sermon concludes with a hopeful outlook, reminding listeners that the return of Jesus is something to be eagerly anticipated. It is a time when believers will be reunited with Christ forever, experiencing eternal life and peace.

Listen to the full version here.

Trinity Anglican Church

Kris McDaniel’s sermon focuses on the transformative power of Jesus and His role as the heir of all things. He emphasizes that Jesus is the ultimate authority and source of life, capable of healing, sustaining, and empowering us.

McDaniel highlights seven key attributes of Jesus: He is the heir of all things, the creator of the universe, the reflection of God’s glory, the very image of God’s essence, the sustainer of all things, the purifier of sins, and the seated one. Each attribute underscores Jesus’ superiority and His ability to transform our lives.

The sermon encourages listeners to contemplate the ways in which Jesus has impacted their lives and to embrace His transformative power. McDaniel emphasizes that Jesus is the ultimate source of healing, hope, and freedom and that by turning to Him, we can experience profound transformation.

Listen to the full version here.

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