
Fight Club

What Is Fight Club?

Designed to encourage accountability and depth among the men of Passion, Fight Clubs are small groups of 3-5 men who are committed to meeting regularly to encourage one another in pursuing a life that is honoring to God.

Why Should I Join a Fight Club?

Many pitfalls can affect men in their walk with the Lord and their pursuit of a life that looks like Jesus. Unlike Bible studies or community groups, Fight Clubs are designed intentionally to be very small trusted groups of guys who not only want to hang out but are open to sharing their struggles and encouraging one another.

Who Attends Fight Club?

Men who are willing, to be honest, and vulnerable with a trusted, small group of men who will encourage them in their walk with the Lord and pursuit of godly living.

Where Is Fight Club?

Groups select their place to meet. Occasional gatherings of all the Fight Clubs take place at a church site.

When Is Fight Club?

Fight Clubs meet regularly, but the exact pace and frequency are up to the group to decide.

How Do I Get Started?

  1. Choose your guys.
  2. Determine your place + pace.
  3. Show up + commit to being honest and vulnerable.
  4. Ask and talk through the 5 Questions.
  5. Register your Fight Club

More Information Found Here:

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